I am starting off this blog, this year 2012 with a big ole post from myself. It has been YEARS (not really) since I have posted on my own personal blog, which I have changed from lulu-in-print to lindziarmstrong.blogspot. .... soon enough this will all make sense.
To be honest- I have mixed feelings about writing about myself, and my realities here in this space.... I feel it may be a "coming out" of sorts. A debutante ball of my very own? complete with big eyelashes, warm blinding lights and that eager awkward smile complete with braces and fear. Here I am!
images via telegraph.co.uk |
This winter has been one of the scariest times in my life. Scary, but exciting, new, bewildering and sobering. To catch you up to the present, after a long look at my life, future goals and sanity I left a a full time job doing what I love to pursue freelancing , and attempting to begin a life of running a business on my own, in a field with equal parts business & creativity. The process of developing displayology Toronto has been, and currently nerve racking/fun/ so infuriating. I have had some of the most amazing people from all over the globe believing in my process and artistic ability... that is truly a humbling experience.
Debra Templar of The Templar Group in Australia has been an the most loving and gracious person I know and I haven't even met her.. of course, as many stories go these days - she reached out to me over twitter and instantly she easily became one my the biggest mentors of my life. Becky from Retail Details blog & Swirl marketing has been another influence- and helping me establish a path and vision, developing my social networking skills...... another amazing person I am lucky to know. At about the same time, I had started meeting people within the "designy" community whom I have looked up to- had the opportunity to meet, suck in the bits of wisdom , kudos and well-----
After many brain cramps and wine bottles later - ( don't judge ) my eyes blurry and a bit glassy I see my website come to life, a blog appear and then I took a breath and click 'pay now' over paypal and boom.. displayologyToronto is borne. My blog is on hold-- and we wait as the lines and coding become one. IIIEEEEE!!
now. as this amazingness happens and I am literally vibrating with fear and joy.. I am hit with heaviest walls ever. Literally. poof. I am faced yet again with a rigorous battle uphill battle with Endometriosis.
I have been dealing with endo for a long, long time. Some of you may not know what this disease is, and some of you will- some of you may even know me , or other women who suffer from endo will know exactly what it is-. So, after a surgery or two I am being told its intestinal, and have some serious life choices to make over the next little while. Now, I am not a baby or a whimp.... - In fact I thank fate a bit for my circumstance on how strong and determined I have become. I can put it on the shelf, and move forward... but damn! hurts like hell sometimes. Im talking.... labour contraction pain. almost. every. month.
fuck that.
I am talking about it here , to vent, to discuss, to open communication. Endometriosis haunts a lot of people woman, and those who love them. In this blog, in fact..... like I mentioned earlier, This blog is not connected to my darling displayology- but is a more personal & day to day look at this artist & stylist.. This .... 16 year war with my internal struggle is a way for me to shed just a smidge of light on this disease, as many woman & girls suffer but have no clue. Modern medicine -- for whatever reason-- has not found a cause, nor cure to this reproductive disorder and immune deficiency that leaves many desperate and irritated. More often that not, a hysterectomy was the only route to salvation and that is only if you are past your 'child bearing career'. Hell - its not even in spell check. But econometricians is?!
what the f is that? child bearing career? way to make me PANIC over the idea some more, doc! Nothing like saying having kids is essentially a thankless job where you put more money in that out, steals away your energy and soul.... oh yeh. TOTALLY makes me wanna bear a soccer team. whatevs... another time....
As I ebb and flow into the world of visual display..... hustlin', developing a client base and becoming more and more excited when I have questions or inquires on an international basis ( which maybe has happened 4 times ... whatever) The only bummer is.... not having access to my blog while everything gets programmed. I had a very advantageous 12 days of trends post that came to a screeching halt due to site programming..... and when the sits launches ( very soon!!!! ) it will resume.
So, who the hell am I if you don't follow me on twitter, or pinterest already ( which you should, ps ) I am a visual artist.. I guess.. if you were to stick a label on my head and package me with saran-wrap and a styro plate. But I merchandise and create vignettes, displays, props... paint murals and artwork, concepts and weird... "out of the box" ideas. As over used as 'out of the box" is, that is essentially how I can be explained... ideas big and small- i turn the drab into fab, boring spaces into magical ones.

try to explain that to a half deaf Irish grandma...... "ok thats nice Petal (nickname), but what how do you get money".. umm.... welll..... ever heard of starving artist, Nan?
So, why is any of this in a blog, now? why are you reading it? I don't know... i really don't. But this will be my heart and soul. Inspiring and uncensored... paintings, craftings, thoughts.... every'ting.
and photos.
So! among SO MANY OTHER THINGS HAPPENING... that I can't share yet, some I want to divulge and discuss, projects I am working on and displays I am making.... And the $hit that I did do... and developing that skin to that magical thing that happens to prop artists & stylists like me (coughbullshitpeoplecough) -------> So! this was the quick and dirty on what the story is, and whats new.. okay maybe not crazy quick.. partially readable ....... <3
Much Love,
Lindzi, You are one amazing woman... so talented, with so much get up and go! You'll break through in every area, I'm convinced. Keep at it, you're strong and able ...