I also realized how long its been since ive lived with my parents. I mean- its also not long at all.... i have friends who have been on their own for much longer- i just realized it. But its not like i have lived extremely far from them. we are a very tight family and while we make one otehr go i n s a n e we stick close. Perhaps its the realization that we crazy fucks have to stick together cause no one else can handle the crazy. Those people are naive to the world and are those weiners who run when someone unsavory approachs them, leaving their signficant others behinds to fend for themselves in the stick situation. I had an ex boyfriend who did that. he was a mistake.

This just showed up on my desk. A pile collected off the kitchen island/dump zone. Here is a glimsp at my interests- minus the mail. thats all bills. oh! and my new drivers liscense i just renewed it then lost it then just got it. apparently it looks like a glamorshot. This is far removed from my passport photo... which makes me look like a swedish boy due to my agressive haircut and big moon face.
I am a cancer and have a typical moon face. this is apprantly a trait that is typical of july(ish) babies.
insert my current tunes here : bonobo's el torro from black sands. enjoy.
Okay! Hooray! i figured out how to add in videos. Best.News.ever
Its a week till christmas and we had a practise run today. and by that i mean i wake up stupidly early and wake him up to entertain me like a child.

goodmorning boys.
So how did i come to cinderella so early? Cause we get up early. two cups of tea by 11. i wake up feeling good. I get these spurts of creativity but they die quick. I have all these urges to paint then the die. I dont know why i just cant get my ass in gear. It seems like i can always think of something more effective with my time, or im needed somewhere or something. I like those mornings when you turn music up stuidly loud and you get right into creative. So i blogged. and i feel like doing bathroom art. or finishing the hallways project. or maybe i should doodle for my meeting after xmas over the next few months of big mega displays. I reeeeeaaallllly want a new drafting table.
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