I am watching cake bosses's next great baker and throughly enjoying watching these people break eggs in competetion. oop- competition over, we now go to rolling out pie crust. cake boss seems intense.. like survivor.
Here is my follow up to christmas fun.. I took a break from my regularly scheduled life to just relax and get fat. and that i did do. Gorge gorge nom nom..
This year we spent the holidays at my mamas. Hooray! Anyone who has been to my parents house in grimsby knows, or has known someone ( usually me ) who gets redicilously boozed during some kind of visit. My dad doesnt drink anymore, and my mom.. meh.. not really. Its everyone else whos gets smashed'od. This place is like a fucking resort. You get your own bedroom and bathroom and everything is so exqusitie and mexicana you feel like your on holidays which is why i think everyone gets drunk at least on their first sleepover..

And my parents too are the utmost in accomidating. its wonderful to be under their care as the wine keeps flowing ( and champagne in my case ) and food and yummmm so you cant help but feel this sense of bacchus being in the room. wheee!!! fun on the holidays thank you jesus!

There is an on going joke about sheri and her gravy requirements. sheri is my middle sister and the butt of ever sauce related dinner banter.. she used to love to drench her whatever with moms gravy. Usually on holiday fare like turkey, or roasts she douses her meat and potatoes like lava overflowing some mountain ranged in oceania. My dad took this hilarity and brought it once step further by using his handy dandy label maker to hilight this point.

tracy and i look terrifying. i hate you gravy thing.

steve got me an amazing vintage drafting table for christmas. finally my art room is done. reeeeally happy with this. it feels so comfortable and cosy.. i just need a better chair and everything is perfect.

look at the vinatge ness of those wheels. straight up steel. happy happy girl.
OOOOOH ALSO HE GOT ME SOLD OUT ROBYN TICKETS HOORAH!!!!!!!!!! this was a great christmas. i lucked out.
We went for breakfast boxing day morning

I look over to my right and there is this wonderful man enjoying his breakie with his fam. He is incredible.

best momment i have captured in some time. i felt like he could be a wonderfully aged elvis with his dyded perfectly coiffed do and his hilarious " news flash i dont care" t shirt, or it was santa who is enjoying a hard earned breakfast the night after a long haul. dude just wants a day where he can shave off his beard, take off the hat and have some fucking pancakes. enjoy your holiday santa.
have i mentioned this yet? i am to take pictures of those soon.

ps i also saw that picture there.. it was the best also. wimpys diner is my new hot spot.
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