Monday, May 23, 2011

have i mentioned i paint?

have i mentioned i paint? i mean- seldom do i really 'paint'. in my head i am constantly procuring new ideas and inspirations, getting annoyed with shitty generic art from every store ever. It pains me that retailers do not commit to buying paintings from artists themselves. Lets represent people!

I see tons of gaphic-design art in retail stores- with badly faded lines and obvious pixilation- and so many artists on and so many struggle to be noticed. Retailers have a much to gain by bringing in origional art from local artisans. The store becomes a destination- a destination for beautiful,genuine and authentic pieces where the the worth of items reflect the value- and suddenly your shop becomes a home for fine artisan pieces and end with low quality mass produced items that only turn into logistical nightmare when flawed and need to be returned.

Okay okay thats enough i will stop lecturing and show you some goods. I needed some art of above my sofa, a colour I loath -mink- but with wall paint i love - grey mink- irony??!! so i needed life in this funky country house, and used orange blue and my favorite, white. I felt abstract was the key here as the wall was huge and i didnt want it to be the end all to the room... i wanted it to a big-quiet-statement.

wrap your head around that!

look at the sofa. impossible colour- u think its easy but oh hell it aint.

I had fun with this- playing with molding paste and think acrylic art.

to close, a corner view. ps thgat lotion is amazing.

tell me what you think!

ok. its been a long time... i know. I have lots to catch you up on- not to mention my hilarious cluelessness when trying to work on this blogs layot and design. I get stuck on the look of this blog then the actual content- but i know better. i know that content is what keeps people coming back. I have lots of content to tell you about and show you, its just a matter of having the confidance to do so.

I am catching up over the long weekend ( yay Victoria Day! ) and enjoying the pure bliss of doing nothing. Playing excessive amounts of video games and dedicating my day to sweatpants. hell yes.

There is lots going on in my head lately-- all things to share when i get more organized. I want so much to have a 'plan' like... a BIG plan from 5 years from now. But like.. the people to help back me up with said plan. I am a horrible commiter: ie. i promise myself i would save money evvvvery month. do i? nada. but i keep saying i should!!

I love my house.